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Audio: One object, many stories on The Ashes
Listen to an audio recording of a panel discussion about the history and significance of The Ashes.
Joelle Gergis on our sunburnt country
In this audio discussion, Dr Joëlle Gergis looks at the long-term history of Australian climate variability.
Mark Pesce on the end of reality
Writer and futurist Mark Pesce sounds a clarion call about a digital and social landscape of surveillance and ignorance, and how we might curtail it.
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History & politics52Collection insights43Exhibitions36Australian history32Artists & writers30art26Family History Feast25Popular culture18art & design18world of the book17Culture17printmaking15WWI14literature14illustration13military13Family history13war13world of the book13architecture13performance12Big ideas under the dome12State Library Victoria12books11family history feast11Rome: Piranesi's vision11Giovanni Battista Piranesi11children's books11Australian history11rare books9creative fellows8History of the book8creative fellows7human rights7music7Victorian history7Writing the war7family history7cultural history6Poetry Slam6library6education6artists' books6fellowships6library fellowships6literature6Foxcroft Lecture6Library collections6digital technology6Exhibition talks & tours5Melbourne5social justice5WWII5poetry5Stephen Murray-Smith Memorial Lecture5Library collections4Multicultural history4foxcroft lecture4culture4performance4poetry slam4history4artists and writers4one object many stories4indigenous people4author in conversation4Redmond Barry Lecture4Redmond Barry lecture4library fellowships4author in conversation4journalism4collections3storytelling3youth literature3velvet iron ashes3Gusto!3White Night3Don Grant Lecture3literacy3exhibitions3Artists' books3gender issues3food3persian manuscripts3culinary history3Collection insights3genealogy3victorian history3Making Public Histories3Ned Kelly3history of the book3Environment3food2design2interior design2art2health2australian literature2Exhibitions & tours2fellowship2music2victoria gallery2family history records2India2diaries and manuscripts2Indigenous Australians2rare books2web2sport2world war one2spoken word2velvet iron ashes2pop culture2foreign policy2popular culture2library fellows2Ned Kelly2victoria gallery2books2national security2Gallipoli2Indigenous people2Law2book printing2State Library of Victoria2graphic design2Fromelles2Journalism2social justice2