Bibliotherapy with State Library Victoria

What is bibliotherapy?
Put simply, the word ‘bibliotherapy’ is derived from the Greek words for book, biblio and healing, therapeia.
But in a more expansive sense, the word describes an age-old practice of book therapy.
Where the healing power of literature nourishes and comforts us during challenging times.
When poems and stories, read aloud, open a space for us to dwell quietly away from the noise outside.
How texts help us find a way to explore feelings deep within us – and offer potent opportunities for self-exploration and positive change.
‘People forget that often it is just such an exceptionally difficult situation that gives man the opportunity to grow spiritually beyond himself.’ This single sentence from Victor Frankl in Man’s search for meaning still speaks strongly to us after 74 years, for good reason.
How to take part in Bibliotherapy with State Library Victoria
Bibliotherapy with State Library Victoria is a free, facilitated self-reflective approach, using stories and poems read aloud over a series of podcasts, to give everyone access to literature's healing power.
Bibliotherapy is presented by practising bibliotherapist, Dr Susan McLaine. All the texts are suitable for a mature general listening audience and each episode is accompanied by a suggested action for you, the listener, to try.
You might like to include Bibliotherapy with State Library Victoria as part of your self-care routine. If you do, here are some tips to get the most out of each podcast:
- Be willing to embrace the experience of being read aloud to.
- The story and poem are read slowly ... savour the words, let yourself absorb their meaning and the images they convey.
- Try to resist the temptation to do anything else while you are listening. Give the words your complete attention and suspend your judgement.
- Notice any feelings that come up for you. You might like to keep a notepad close by to make notes.
- Take some time to consider your current situation from different perspectives.
- Relax. Enjoy these stories and poems: they are for you.
Listen to Bibliotherapy with State Library Victoria
Catch every episode without effort – subscribe to Bibliotherapy on Spotify or on Apple Podcasts.
Season 2
Episode 2 – Routine
A common coping strategy for many people is to incorporate a routine to try to control our experiences. This episode helps us to reflect on our own coping strategies.
Content warning: this episode features a story that explores suicide, death, loss and grief.
- Mat Ward, Routine, [Untitled] issue: eight, Busybird Publishing, 2019
- Robert Frost ‘The road not taken’, Mountain interval, published by Henry Holt, 1916.
Episode 3 – Foundations
This podcast episode explores ethics and values, the foundations on which we base our lives. It asks us to consider the set of rules we use for adult living.
This episode features two readings:
- Cate Kennedy, Puppet show, The best Australian stories 2015, Black Inc., 2015
- Rudyard Kipling, ‘If’, Rewards and fairies, 1910.
Episode 4 – Blending in
One of our most vital human needs is to feel accepted. This episode reflects on how some of us may change who we are to fit in and feel accepted.
This episode features two readings:
- Elizabeth Flux, One’s company, The best Australian stories 2017, Black Inc., 2017
- Jenny Joseph, ‘Warning’, Warning: when I am an old woman I shall wear purple, Profile Books, 1997.
Episode 5 – Believing in ourselves
In this episode, we explore what happens to us when we let others’ expectations of us define success and failure. It encourages us to think about both the physical and emotional aspects of living our lives based on other people’s expectations.
This episode features two readings:
- Sheryl Gwyther, Dance of the Lascaux ponies, Touchdown Magazine, Vol 104, No. 6, July 2019
- Naomi Shihab Nye, ‘How to paint a donkey’, Everything comes next: collected and new poems. Copyright 2020 by Naomi Shihab Nye, used by permission of HarperCollins Publishers.
Episode 6 – Being our true selves
Following on from the last episode on believing in ourselves, we explore unlearning the tendency to base our lives on others' expectations and regain our true sense of self. In the last episode of the series, bibliotherapist Dr Susan McLaine asks us what we need to make our hearts swell with joy.
This episode features two readings:
- Blaise van Hecke, Enid Blyton has a lot to answer for, The road to Tralfamadore is bathed in river water: stories from a gypsy childhood, Busybird Publishing, 2018
- Charlotte Mew, 'The call', The rambling sailor, 1929
About Dr Susan McLaine
For more than 12 years, Dr Susan McLaine has researched, written and spoken about bibliotherapy in Australia and internationally.
In June 2021 Susan was awarded a PhD from RMIT University for her thesis in bibliotherapy.
Find out more about Susan and her bibliotherapy work at Words that heal.
Get in touch
If you'd like to contact Susan with your Bibliotherapy-related requests or inquiries, please email
Bibliotherapy for kids
You’re never too young to experience the healing power of stories! Join Susan for two special kids' episodes of Bibliotherapy with State Library Victoria.
These episodes explore concepts that are suitable for children of any age with a parent or carer present to offer guidance.
Listen to Bibliotherapy with State Library Victoria for kids.