Noel Pearson on hunting the radical centre
Watch Noel Pearson deliver a searing 2016 Keith Murdoch Oration on how radical centrist politics can help solve Indigenous disadvantage.
History & politics49Collection insights39Exhibitions34Australian history28art26Artists & writers24Family History Feast20Popular culture18world of the book17art & design16Culture16printmaking14world of the book13WWI13architecture13military12Big ideas under the dome12war12illustration12Rome: Piranesi's vision11literature11State Library Victoria11Giovanni Battista Piranesi11Australian history11books10performance10family history feast9rare books9children's books9History of the book8creative fellows8music7human rights7Victorian history7creative fellows7family history7Family history7Writing the war7library6Library collections6Poetry Slam6cultural history6Foxcroft Lecture6library fellowships6education5social justice5Melbourne5literature5artists' books5WWII5fellowships5Stephen Murray-Smith Memorial Lecture5library fellowships4foxcroft lecture4culture4history4Redmond Barry lecture4poetry4Library collections4digital technology4Redmond Barry Lecture4indigenous people4Exhibition talks & tours4performance4poetry slam4collections3artists and writers3one object many stories3Gusto!3persian manuscripts3Don Grant Lecture3history of the book3author in conversation3culinary history3victorian history3Artists' books3food3journalism3gender issues3White Night3author in conversation3Collection insights3storytelling3exhibitions3genealogy3Gallipoli2literacy2interior design2victoria gallery2health2social justice2diaries and manuscripts2pop culture2books2family history records2foreign policy2popular culture2velvet iron ashes2food2graphic design2national security2world war one2victoria gallery2Ned Kelly2design2rare books2Environment2Journalism2spoken word2art2Law2Making Public Histories2book printing2Ned Kelly2library fellows2Exhibitions & tours2fellowship2music2velvet iron ashes2Indigenous people2State Library of Victoria2Indigenous Australians2
Watch Noel Pearson deliver a searing 2016 Keith Murdoch Oration on how radical centrist politics can help solve Indigenous disadvantage.
Author Maggie Black talks with historian Peter Yule about her book 'Up came a squatter', the story of her great-grandfather Niel Black.
Watch a discussion on the journalist known as the Vagabond, with historian Michael Cannon and Bob Flippen.
Watch Allan Myers AC QC as he delivers the Redmond Barry Lecture 2016 on the legacy and future of Sir Redmond Barry's optimistic vision.
Hear how to research migrant occupations in postwar Victoria in this Family History Feast 2016 talk by Darren Watson from National Archives.
Hear tips from Jack Martin on researching the teachers in your family tree, presented during Family History Feast 2016.
Hear a lively panel discussion about the Confedrate ship Shenandoah's 1865 visit – an event that both thrilled and divided Melbourne.
Discover the story of Victoria's pioneering war correspondents in this thought-provoking video from our Making Public Histories seminar series.
Hear about the Australian artists who used art to capture their experiences on the front line and behind the scenes during WWI.
Showing 18 out of 28 results