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Audio: Diana Hookham on multicultural family research

  • Date recorded: 25 Aug 2014

  • Duration: 52:00

'one of the important things is to write up your research before you forget'

– Diana Hookham

About this recording

Gain insights into the family history journey as amateur genealogist Diana Hookham speaks at Family History Feast 2014, sharing personal anecdotes from her search for her husband's many-faceted family tree.

This particular tree includes a rich mix of Armenian, Egyptian, Italian, Sicilian and Turkish branches, and Diana recalls the many steps in her travels that took her from the Australian archives to tiny villages overseas.

She talks about the people she met along the way, both strangers and family, the documentary paper trail she followed, the linguistic complications and the vast range of resources she pursued.

Hear more from Family History Feast 2014


Dr Diana Hookham is an amateur genealogist, whose interest in family history was sparked when she learned that she would be migrating to Australia. Beginning with her British family background, she then began researching her husband's far-flung, multicultural family.