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Audio: Moya McFadzean on collecting migrant stories at Museum Victoria

  • Date recorded: 25 Aug 2014

  • Duration: 28:28

'insights into who we are as a community, where we have come from, and who and what will shape us into the future'

– Moya McFadzean

About this recording

Listen to a diverse range of migrant stories as Moya McFadzean, Senior Curator at Museum Victoria, presents a session at Family History Feast 2014.

Moya underscores the importance of migration's role in Australia's history, and highlights the assistance that public libraries and archives can offer in helping family historians trace the journeys of family members to Australia.

Moya describes the types of material in the museum's collection that might be of relevance to researchers, and touches on the truly diverse, multicultural nature of Australia's migrant stories, representing all nations and faiths.

Most importantly, Moya draws attention to the highly personal stories contained in the museum's migrant narratives, from the moving and emotional to the practical, including the visas, travel applications, voyages and luggage involved in reaching a new home. An increasing number of these stories can be found on the Immigration Museum website.

Hear more from Family History Feast 2014


Dr Moya McFadzean is Senior Curator of Migration and Cultural Diversity at Museum Victoria.