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Self-Guided Visits and Trails

2 hours
Year level
Free (bookings essential)

Planning to bring your students to the Library? From preschool to tertiary students, registrations are now open for 2024! 

Whether it be a city excursion, school camp, research project or exhibition viewing, the Library offers free timed sessions for self-guided groups to explore the Library at your leisure! 

With a selection of curriculum-linked, self-guided trails available, there is something for all ages to discover the Library’s magnificent spaces, exhibitions and treasured collections. 

Self-guided guidelines: 

  • Students are to break into small groups of up to ten.   
  • Adult supervision is required for years Preschool to Year 7, per small group. 
  • Please be mindful of other visitors, by moving one small group through a space at a time. 
  • Students remain the responsibility of teachers at all times.

School trails

When you book, you can choose from the following trails:

Welcome to the Library trail: Foundation-12

Explore Australia’s oldest and busiest public library. Students will navigate our vast spaces, and discover how libraries contribute to our community and how State Library Victoria  collects and cares for all our stories. 

Library services and collections trail: Years 7-12

Explore Victoria’s oldest and busiest public library. Students will navigate our vast spaces, and find out about our services and how they can use the Library as a hub for research and learning. 

'World of the Book' exhibition trail: Foundation-12

Explore the Library’s iconic spaces and the Library's collection of rare and unique works on display in the World of Book Exhibition. Students will discover how books are keepers of ideas, knowledge and stories.

These programs link to the Victorian Curriculum and help students to:

  • Identify the origin and content features of primary sources when describing the significance of people, places and events (VCHHC067).
  • Understand the role that people of diverse backgrounds have played in the development and character of the local community and/or other societies (VCHHK074).
  • Understand the role that a significant individual or group played in shaping and changing a colony (VCHHK092).

More information

For more information about the program, please email education@slv.vic.gov.au or call 03 8664 7478.

To find out more about visiting the Library, bus parking and COVID-19 guidelines, see Plan a school visit.


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