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Audio: Andrew Griffin on Australia's non-British migrants

  • Date recorded: 24 Aug 2014

  • Duration: 32:30

'the origins of the White Australia policy can be traced back to the 1850s'

– Andrew Griffin

About this recording

Andrew Griffin's Family History Feast 2014 presentation looks back at Australia's strict immigration laws and discriminatory legislation, pre-dating the Federation-era White Australia policy.

In his talk, Andrew provides an entertaining history of several multicultural groups who made Australia home, against the odds. He describes the contribution of the Afghan cameleers who helped open Australia's interior to development, and the Indian hawkers and merchants who followed them.

He also discusses the more recent experience of Asian workers and students who arrived as part of the Colombo Plan in the 1950s, and the discrimination that permitted European Turks to settle in Australia but barred entry to Asiatic Turks.

Hear more from Family History Feast 2014


Andrew Griffin is a research archivist in the Victorian office of National Archives of Australia.