The La Trobe Journal No 89 May 2012

Isolation, integration and identity: the Muslim experience in Australia
This special issue of the La Trobe Journal makes an important contribution to the understanding of the Muslim experience in Australia, both past and present.
The edition was published to coincide with the major exhibition, Love and devotion: from Persia and beyond, held at the Library in 2012. It includes an introduction to Islamic belief and practices, as well as articles on the history of Muslims in Australia, Islamic schools, the genesis of the Islamic Museum of Australia and the Young Muslims of Australia movement, amongst other topics.
[Front matter] (pdf,109.47 KB)
Rachel Woodlock – Introduction (pdf,211.85 KB)
David Drennan – An introduction to Islam (pdf,556.11 KB)
Anisa Buckley – The First Islamic Museum of Australia: challenging negative assumptions of Muslims in Australia through art... (pdf,969.17 KB)
Peter D Jones – Islamic Schools in Australia (pdf,159.44 KB)
Regina Ganter – Remembering Muslim Histories of Australia (pdf,971.62 KB)
Hanifa Deen – Excavating the Past: Australian Muslims (pdf,1.48 MB)
Nigel Lewis – Persian and Islamic Architecture in Melbourne: a personal search (pdf,2.85 MB)
Ammar Sachak – Profiles of Prominent Victorian Muslims (pdf,1.93 MB)
Anna Halafoff – Muslim participation in Multifaith Initiatives in Victoria (pdf,2.17 MB)
Oishee Alam – 'Islam is a Blackfella Religion, Whatchya trying to prove?': race in the lives of white Muslim converts in... (pdf,369.44 KB)
Susan Carland – Silenced: Muslim women commentators in the Australian media (pdf,173.6 KB)
Joshua M Roose – Young Muslims of Australia: anatomy of a multicultural success story (pdf,1.25 MB)
Appendix 1 – Victorian Muslims: a profile (pdf,260.68 KB)
Appendix 2 – Select Bibliographies on 'Islam' and 'Muslims in Australia' (pdf,94.7 KB)
[Back matter] (pdf,228.99 KB)