The La Trobe Journal No 99 March 2017

Edited by John Arnold, issue 99 of the La Trobe Journal has a biographical flavour, and includes articles on a range of individuals with a diversity of interests and experience.
Amongst those featured are explorer and linguist Alfred Howitt, and writers Marcus Clarke and Henry Lawson.
Less well-known figures include:
- James Miller Marshall, a visiting English artist resident in Victoria in the 1890s, seen through the eyes of Norman and Lionel Lindsay as boys
- Ina Higgins, garden designer and first wave feminist
- Allan McKay, publisher and proprietor of the Specialty Press
- Frederick Sinclaire, socialist, utilitarian minister and WWI anti-conscriptionist
- a German émigré family who returned to their homeland on the eve of WWII
Researching biography discussion
Watch our author in-conversation video with Minna Muhlen-Schulte and Dr Sandra McComb, contributors to the March 2017 La Trobe Journal issue.
Front cover and front matter (pdf,604.33 KB)
Editorial (pdf,103.56 KB)
Sandra McComb – Expanding the Howitt way: Alfred Howitt in Victoria (pdf,586.53 KB)
Barry McGowan – Marcus Clarke and Felix Meyer's cameo roles in the Paris Commune (pdf,253.45 KB)
John Barnes – The making of a legend: Henry Lawson at Bourke (pdf,210.08 KB)
Jim Grahame – Henry Lawson (pdf,177.3 KB)
Ross Bowden – James Miller Marshall: a Norwich School painter in late 19th-century Australia (pdf,250.7 KB)
Sandra Pullman – Women gardeners without chaperones: Ina Higgins (pdf,221.3 KB)
Dennis Bryans – Thomas Allan McKay, printer, publisher and entrepreneur (pdf,368.42 KB)
Chris Wade – Practical idealists: the Free Religious Fellowship, the Great War and conscription (pdf,261.88 KB)
Minna Muhlen-Schulte – Vergangenheitsbewältigung: struggle to come to terms with the past (pdf,360.39 KB)
Ian D Clark – A note on 'James Dawson's intervention in the naming of the Maroondah aqueduct' (pdf,59.81 KB)
Shane Carmody – Obituary: Colin Peter Holden (pdf,108.3 KB)
Notes and contributors (pdf,277.32 KB)
Support the Library and Back cover (pdf,387.77 KB)