The La Trobe Journal No 93-94 September 2014

This double issue of the La Trobe Journal has the general theme of 'Australian art and architecture and popular culture in Victoria', ranging from the beginnings of European settlement in the 1830s through to the 1960s, or from John Pascoe Fawkner to John Lennon.
A wide range of subjects are covered in this double issue, including the major colonial artist Eugene von Guérard, John Pascoe Fawkner's patronage of William Strutt, an analysis of the Beatles' impact on Melbourne in 1964, a memoir by architect David Yencken and a tribute to art critic Alan McCulloch.
[Front matter] (pdf,471.26 KB)
Ruth Pullin – Not Lost, Just Hiding: Eugene von Guérard’s first Australian sketchbooks (pdf,1.2 MB)
David R Marshall – Eugene von Guérard’s View of the Daylesford Region for William E Stanbridge (pdf,1.16 MB)
Elisabeth Findlay - Art and Patronage in Early Colonial Melbourne: John Pascoe Falkner and William Strutt (pdf,994.83 KB)
Mark R Cabouret – ‘The premier bird painter of the colonies’: the early career of Neville Henry Cayley in Victoria (pdf,2.2 MB)
Lynette Russell – ‘An unpicturesque vagrant’: Aboriginal Victorians at the Melbourne International Exhibition 1880-1881 (pdf,3.51 MB)
Andrew Montana – Arabesque of Beauty: Cullis Hill, the 9 by 5 Impression Exhibition, decorative decor and painting (pdf,1.74 MB)
Pieter Koster – A Forgotten Art Critic: Ellen Augusta Chads and the Melbourne art scene, 1884-86 (pdf,743.48 KB)
Tim Gatehouse – Three Generations of the Lazarus Family in Australia (pdf,886.03 KB)
David Nichols, Robert Freestone & Yvette Putra – Frank Heath: transitions of an architect planner from the 1930s to the 1960s (pdf,1.83 MB)
David Yencken – A Tale of Two Motels: the times, the architecture and the architects (pdf,3.17 MB)
Tony Robinson – Four Days in June: the liberation of a teenage generation (pdf,1.01 MB)
Vane Lindesay – Alan McCulloch: cartoonist of distinction (pdf,2.54 MB)
Rodney James – The Battle for the Spencer Barks: from Australia to the USA, 1963-68 (pdf,985.56 KB)
[Back matter] (pdf,1.07 MB)