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Explore our copyright-free image collection
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Shows groups of people in 1940s and 50s modelling swim and beach wear from Victorian and Edwardian eras with one model in a contemporary (1940s) swimsuit.
Want to re-use this image to make something new? No problem! Get creative, but please acknowledge State Library Victoria, our url (www.slv.vic.gov.au) and the original creator of the work. (We don't endorse any derogatory use of this image.)
Ned Kelly
Shows groups of people in 1940s and 50s modelling swim and beach wear from Victorian and Edwardian eras with one model in a contemporary (1940s) swimsuit.
Want to re-use this image to make something new? No problem! Get creative, but please acknowledge State Library Victoria, our url (www.slv.vic.gov.au) and the original creator of the work. (We don't endorse any derogatory use of this image.)
[Ned] Kelly's armour and rifle
Shows groups of people in 1940s and 50s modelling swim and beach wear from Victorian and Edwardian eras with one model in a contemporary (1940s) swimsuit.
Want to re-use this image to make something new? No problem! Get creative, but please acknowledge State Library Victoria, our url (www.slv.vic.gov.au) and the original creator of the work. (We don't endorse any derogatory use of this image.)
Spot where Ned Kelly was taken.
Shows groups of people in 1940s and 50s modelling swim and beach wear from Victorian and Edwardian eras with one model in a contemporary (1940s) swimsuit.
Want to re-use this image to make something new? No problem! Get creative, but please acknowledge State Library Victoria, our url (www.slv.vic.gov.au) and the original creator of the work. (We don't endorse any derogatory use of this image.)
Ned Kelly's arrival in Melbourne
Shows groups of people in 1940s and 50s modelling swim and beach wear from Victorian and Edwardian eras with one model in a contemporary (1940s) swimsuit.
Want to re-use this image to make something new? No problem! Get creative, but please acknowledge State Library Victoria, our url (www.slv.vic.gov.au) and the original creator of the work. (We don't endorse any derogatory use of this image.)
Shows groups of people in 1940s and 50s modelling swim and beach wear from Victorian and Edwardian eras with one model in a contemporary (1940s) swimsuit.
Want to re-use this image to make something new? No problem! Get creative, but please acknowledge State Library Victoria, our url (www.slv.vic.gov.au) and the original creator of the work. (We don't endorse any derogatory use of this image.)
Ironclad bushranging Ned Kelly taking the attacking force in rear.
Shows groups of people in 1940s and 50s modelling swim and beach wear from Victorian and Edwardian eras with one model in a contemporary (1940s) swimsuit.
Want to re-use this image to make something new? No problem! Get creative, but please acknowledge State Library Victoria, our url (www.slv.vic.gov.au) and the original creator of the work. (We don't endorse any derogatory use of this image.)
NED KELLY (Sketched as he was leaving Benalla)
Shows groups of people in 1940s and 50s modelling swim and beach wear from Victorian and Edwardian eras with one model in a contemporary (1940s) swimsuit.
Want to re-use this image to make something new? No problem! Get creative, but please acknowledge State Library Victoria, our url (www.slv.vic.gov.au) and the original creator of the work. (We don't endorse any derogatory use of this image.)
Ned Kelly (the bushranger) ...
Shows groups of people in 1940s and 50s modelling swim and beach wear from Victorian and Edwardian eras with one model in a contemporary (1940s) swimsuit.
Want to re-use this image to make something new? No problem! Get creative, but please acknowledge State Library Victoria, our url (www.slv.vic.gov.au) and the original creator of the work. (We don't endorse any derogatory use of this image.)
[Ned Kelly in shootout.]
Shows groups of people in 1940s and 50s modelling swim and beach wear from Victorian and Edwardian eras with one model in a contemporary (1940s) swimsuit.
Want to re-use this image to make something new? No problem! Get creative, but please acknowledge State Library Victoria, our url (www.slv.vic.gov.au) and the original creator of the work. (We don't endorse any derogatory use of this image.)
Ned Kelly at Bay
Shows groups of people in 1940s and 50s modelling swim and beach wear from Victorian and Edwardian eras with one model in a contemporary (1940s) swimsuit.
Want to re-use this image to make something new? No problem! Get creative, but please acknowledge State Library Victoria, our url (www.slv.vic.gov.au) and the original creator of the work. (We don't endorse any derogatory use of this image.)
Portrait of Ned Kelly
Shows groups of people in 1940s and 50s modelling swim and beach wear from Victorian and Edwardian eras with one model in a contemporary (1940s) swimsuit.
Want to re-use this image to make something new? No problem! Get creative, but please acknowledge State Library Victoria, our url (www.slv.vic.gov.au) and the original creator of the work. (We don't endorse any derogatory use of this image.)