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Home > Live Learn > Courses Librarians And Teachers > Shift alt story: an introduction to digital storytelling

Shift alt story: an introduction to digital storytelling

Monday, 22 August 2016 - 12:00amFriday, 7 October 2016 - 11:45pm
$99, schools with an ICSEA score of less than 1000* $87, group bookings (4 or more) $87

The Centre for Youth Literature (CYL) at State Library Victoria presents a unique online opportunity to engage with storytelling in the digital era.

This short online learning course for teachers, school library teams and individuals explores how digital platforms have transformed how we read, write and share our experience of stories.

Through practical writing tasks and discussion, participants explore techniques used by writers to create digital stories and engage with young adults online.

Discover how readers and writers come together to create new media and passionate communities of readers.

The four-unit, self-paced program covers:

  • new ways to connect with characters and storytelling
  • sharing our experience of reading and publishing online
  • how to enable young people to create and distribute their writing across platforms and around the world

Limited places are available. For more information, please email [email protected].

* To check your school's Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) rating, visit the My School website and go to your school's profile page. You will find the ICSEA score in the 'Student background' section on the right of the screen.