Suggested wording for bequests

When you make a gift in your will, we recommend seeking independent professional advice from a financial advisor or solicitor. Here we offer suggested wording for different forms of testamentary gifts that you can discuss with your solicitor.
To give a cash bequest to State Library Victoria
I give, free of all duties and taxes, the sum of $ ....................... to the Library Board of Victoria (ABN 73 190 237 854), trading as ‘State Library Victoria’, of 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne. My gift is for the use and benefit of State Library Victoria at its absolute discretion. The receipt of the CEO, President or authorised officer shall be an absolute discharge to my executors.
To give a specified percentage/residuary estate to State Library Victoria after you have given specific bequests to others
I give, free of all duties and taxes, ....................... to the Library Board of Victoria (ABN 73 190 237 854), trading as ‘State Library Victoria’, of 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne. My gift is for the use and benefit of State Library Victoria at its absolute discretion. The receipt of the CEO, President or authorised officer shall be an absolute discharge to my executors.
- The whole, or a specified per cent, of my estate
- A specified per cent of capital or income arising from [insert name] charitable trust
- Details of particular asset (for example, shares).
To leave an item, multiple items or significant collection material to State Library Victoria
Please note: offers of material will be assessed by our collection specialists according to the principles outlined in our Collections Strategy. This ensures we do not duplicate material already held, and that we have the capacity to care for any new material we accept. We would be pleased to offer advice for the appropriate placement of items you wish to bequest that we are unable to accept.
I give, free of all duties, [specified item] to the Library Board of Victoria (ABN 73 190 237 854), trading as ‘State Library Victoria’, of 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne. My gift is for the use and benefit of State Library Victoria at its absolute discretion. The receipt of the CEO, President or authorised officer shall be an absolute discharge to my executors.
To make a bequest to State Library Victoria for a specific purpose or activity
I give, free of all duties and taxes, ....................... to the Library Board of Victoria (ABN 73 190 237 854), trading as ‘State Library Victoria’, of 328 Swanston Street Melbourne. My gift is for [acquisition of ....................... / the use and benefit of ....................... ] at State Library Victoria. The receipt of the CEO, President or authorised officer shall be an absolute discharge to my executors.
- A specified per cent of the residue of my estate
- A specified per cent of capital or income arising from [insert name] charitable trust
- The sum of [amount] dollars
- The whole, or a specified per cent, of my estate
- Details of particular items, collections or assets (for example, shares).