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Credits & copyright

Credits & acknowledgements

Digitisation of the Football recordVictorian historical journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria are the result of collaboration with Slattery Media, the Royal Society of Victoria and the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, to mark the 175th anniversary of European settlement in Victoria. This has been made possible with the valuable support of Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Helen McPherson Smith Trust. Digitisation of our World War I unit histories has been made possible with the support of the Veterans Unit, Department of Planning & Community Development.

Victorian historical journal copyright

The Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) has undertaken all reasonable efforts to identify and contact copyright holders. Where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where the permission is still being sought, the RHSV has decided in good faith to proceed with digitisation and publication. The RHSV invites persons who believe they are copyright owners to contact them at [email protected].