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Home > What's on > Summer 2025 Kids Takeover

Summer 2025 Kids Takeover

16 January 2025, 10:00am3:00pm
CostFree with paid elements
Bookings Bookings required
Location State Library Victoria

Burst into the Library this summer at Kids Takeover. From the forecourt through to the Dome, the Library is turning into a hub of action, colour and creativity for kids and their grownups.

Immerse yourself in Bollywood dancing, be wowed by choirs in the Dome, meet legendary children’s book author Bob Graham and much more in an unmissable day of fun.

All activities are free unless otherwise stated.

Book your tickets now.



See Inventi Ensemble’s musical retelling of Peter and the Wolf in The Ian Potter Queen’s Hall, and become a nimble cat, singing songbird or even your own character with a mask workshop.

Unleash your inner star with Bollywood dancing workshops from Sapphire Dance in the Conversation Quarter.

Marvel at the otherworldly song of the Yarra Voices Children’s Choir with special live performances in the Dome throughout the day.



Decorate a self-portrait bunting flag with all the things that represent you in the Pauline Gandel Children’s Quarter with Dan Goronszy. Then, watch as it’s hung up around the room as a community creation.

Shape your own soft sculpture using pipe cleaners and add your fuzzy stems to a rainbow chandelier with Briony Barr in the Create Quarter.

Make summertime creations with a Paperazzi craft session in The Ian Potter Queen’s Hall and construct everything from sun catchers and kaleidoscopes to jellyfish windsocks. 

Design your very own zine at workshops from Library Burger in the Russell Street Welcome Zone.

Get your creative juices flowing and draw a chalk art masterpiece out on the Library forecourt with pavement art gurus.



Join multi-award-winning writer-illustrator Zeno Sworder in The Ian Potter Queen’s Hall with some special Storytime sessions. Then, get your favourite book signed at Readings State Library.

Join the beloved Bob Graham, award-winning author and illustrator, at Readings State Library Victoria for a special book signing. 

Add-on activity: Want to learn some illustration tips from Bob? Grab your seats to an exclusive workshop where he’ll read from Concrete Garden, draw his most popular characters and more. Tickets are $10 per child.

Calling all babies. Jiggle, pop and roll into our sensory wonderland in the Isabella Fraser Room with Emma Avery.

Add-on activity: Want more? Join us for a Baby-a-go-go guided workshop for babies aged 2-12 months, where they’ll explore sounds, sights, touch and more. Tickets are $10 per baby.


Family member tickets

If you’re a State Library Victoria Family member, don’t forget to redeem up to 2 complimentary tickets to both the Baby-a-go-go and Bob Graham workshops (up to $40 value)!

Want to become a Family member? Join today.


Please note: All grownups must be accompanied by children.


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The views expressed by the presenting artist are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Library. The Library is dedicated to fostering open dialogue and creativity, supporting artistic expression and the exchange of diverse perspectives.

2025 Summer Kids Takeover Map